Infrared For Moisture Intrusion
Infrared thermography is a fast, accurate, and non-destructive technology for detecting moisture intrusion in buildings. By using advanced infrared cameras, it can locate hidden moisture behind walls, within insulation, or in ceilings, making it an invaluable tool for property inspections.

What an Infrared Camera Sees
An infrared camera detects thermal anomalies by imaging infrared energy emitted, reflected, or transmitted from surfaces. While it does not measure moisture content directly, it highlights areas of concern where further verification through moisture probes or intrusive test cuts may be necessary. This method ensures a thorough and accurate analysis of the building envelope.
The Value of a Skilled Thermographer
A skilled thermographer knows where to look and how to interpret infrared readings accurately. Proper verification techniques, such as moisture probes and other test methods, help minimize errors and ensure reliable results.
Old Moisture Intrusion Detection Methods
Traditional moisture meters required contact with surfaces every few inches, making the process time-consuming and expensive. Testing large buildings, like a 100,000-square-foot roof, could take days and cost tens of thousands of dollars.
The Benefits of Infrared Cameras
​With infrared technology, you can identify the location of problem areas with high accuracy, taking the guesswork out of trying to find issues hidden within walls, ceilings, or roofs.
Faster Inspections: Infrared can scan large areas in hours rather than days.
Accurate Results: Pinpoint problem areas with high precision.
Non-Destructive Testing: No need to drill or damage surfaces to find moisture.
Cost-Effective: Reduces labor and time costs significantly.

This saves valuable time over traditional visual methods or contact moisture meters.
When Do You Need Infrared?
Insurance Loss Documentation: After disasters, infrared helps evaluate water damage and monitor drying processes quickly and accurately.
Product Defect Documentation: Infrared can identify construction defects in EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish Systems) and other facades.
Building Envelope Issues: Detect leaks in siding, brick veneers, stucco, or stone, preventing damage to ceilings, floors, and walls.
When moisture intrusion goes undetected, it can lead to severe structural damage, costly repairs, and even safety hazards. Infrared technology takes the guesswork out of finding issues, helping property managers, building owners, and contractors make informed decisions.

Ever wonder how an ice dam is formed?
This tongue and groove ceiling is a perfect illustration of how heat gets into the attic. During a blower door test, the thermal images revealed that the ceiling was a massive source of air intrusion into the master bedroom (remember that the blower door test creates a vacuum in the house).
I went into the attic where I discovered that the ceiling boards were nailed directly to the rafters with nothing behind them (such as sheetrock). This allows huge quantities of air to leak through the ceiling directly into the attic, setting up the ideal ice dam formation scenario.

Insurance Loss Documentation
Infrared thermography can be used in a post-disaster inspection to quickly and accurately evaluate the extent of water damage and monitor the drying process.

Product Defect Documentation EIFS – Exterior Insulation Finish System
Construction defects: Moisture can infiltrate siding, brick veneers, stucco, stone and other facades used on buildings, especially if they are not properly installed.
Without an infrared camera, it is very difficult to find the leaks caused by these weatherproofing systems. When left undetected, moisture that makes its way through the façade of a building can wind up damaging ceilings, floors, and walls within the structure itself.